OpenWRT Basic Setup

June 06 2015 · 2 minute read · wrt

First Login


Default, dropbear (SSH service) doesn’t accept any connections at firstlogin, we can use telnet to connect to router via default IP address:


After we set a password for OpenWRT, telnet deamon will be disabled. We can login again with ssh ssh root@


Open your browser and connect to the router at its default address (usually Login using username root with an empty password.

Then click on the menu in the top bar on Administration -> System. A page to change the password is displayed.


Network configuration is located in the file /etc/config/network. We can determine the configurations including VLAN, interfaces, routing in this file.

After editing, we need to excute the following command

/etc/init.d/network reload

to reload the network without reboot router.

Internet Connection

We connect to Internet via a device (bridged function) over Ethernet cable, means we log in to the ISP through a DSL modem or fiber converter has been set up. In this case, we use PPPOE to connect to the Internet.

Install packages for PPPOE connecting

opkg update
opkg install ppp kmod-pppoe ppp-mod-pppoe

We can edit manually or use UCI command line to config connection information

uci set network.wan.proto=pppoe
uci set network.wan.username='username_from_isp'
uci set network.wan.password='password'
uci commit network

Check file /etc/init.d/network if it has following section:

config 'interface' 'wan'
    option 'proto'      'pppoe'
    option 'username'   'username_from_isp'
    option 'password'   'password'

then reload network.

Wireless Config

Access DSL modem